About Gamble

GambleBMX is Alex Landeros' official blogspot which is updated regularly. Here I post Bmx stuff, funny stuff, partying stuff, promotional stuff, pretty much whatever I want stuff. I started Team Gamble in the summer of 2011, official Team Gamble riders include Kyle Biller and Jordan Bowen, aka Captain Ding Ding. If your into BMX and having an all around good time, be sure to scoll through!

Get a hold of Gamble through:

facebook, Alex Landeros BMX,

through email: Gamblebmx@gmail.com

Twitter, @AlexLanderosbmx

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Jungle Mini

After riding Tigard Park in Oregon with the Oregon crew, we were invited over to Marks house for a barbeque grill out and ramp session.  We had no idea that a tiny mini ramp nestled high up on the mountain surrounded by hanging vines and ivy and a death fall on one side awaited us.

Sage, now a good friend who actually put us up for a couple nights is an expert grill man.  Grilled garlic, hot dogs, and chili wrapped in a tortilla, soo good
Awesome invert transfer

foreground of picture, death fall, behind ramp, 6 foot drop to pricker bushes, on the ramp, one perfectly executed lawn mower

Sage blasting the tight quarter

Great shot of the van and stars on our trip away from Portland to Salt Lake
No photos of me (Alex) here, I just sat back and played camera man this time.  It was a super rad scene, we grilled out and rode the ramp outside, while there was a full on movie studio set inside where Roman and Mark were filming the third episode of their new show, be sure to check it out on Vitalbmx.com!

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