About Gamble

GambleBMX is Alex Landeros' official blogspot which is updated regularly. Here I post Bmx stuff, funny stuff, partying stuff, promotional stuff, pretty much whatever I want stuff. I started Team Gamble in the summer of 2011, official Team Gamble riders include Kyle Biller and Jordan Bowen, aka Captain Ding Ding. If your into BMX and having an all around good time, be sure to scoll through!

Get a hold of Gamble through:

facebook, Alex Landeros BMX,

through email: Gamblebmx@gmail.com

Twitter, @AlexLanderosbmx

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Another Day at Work

Today we rode a bunch of shows with Division BMX, right in downtown Milwaukee. The shows were super fun and we got to hang out with the Milwaukee crew, full of red heads, Avitars, and shit talking announcers. Always a good time. Then after, because it was so hot, Lil Jon took us to a fishing pier. Within minutes, we were scaring all the drunk guys fish away diving in the water.... in our boxers. The people on the tour boats were lovin it but the captains were salty. They called water police who came and shut us down. No tickets, no big deal, sorry for blowing up your spot LJ. Just a fun way to end the day and head to Chicago! 

Staring at nothing...

more staring at nothing... haha alright

Alex will no longer be riding for gamble BMX....
instead he was recruited for USA Olympic diving team for some
 God damn perfect form!

Lil John ready for a belly flop

Kyle gettin upside down off the railing
In all, it was a great day... Got to hang out with a bunch of awesome people and ride some ramps in the middle of the streets. Thanks to Micah and Astrike for hookin it up as usual. Now were off to Chicago for a few days, then figure out how we're getting to the next dew stop in Portland! Keep updated for more riding, adventures, and whatever happens on the long ass drive to Portland.

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