About Gamble

GambleBMX is Alex Landeros' official blogspot which is updated regularly. Here I post Bmx stuff, funny stuff, partying stuff, promotional stuff, pretty much whatever I want stuff. I started Team Gamble in the summer of 2011, official Team Gamble riders include Kyle Biller and Jordan Bowen, aka Captain Ding Ding. If your into BMX and having an all around good time, be sure to scoll through!

Get a hold of Gamble through:

facebook, Alex Landeros BMX,

through email: Gamblebmx@gmail.com

Twitter, @AlexLanderosbmx

Friday, April 13, 2012

ART BMX Magazine

I Love California Edit---ART Magazine

So Christian Van Hanja from ART BMX Magazine came to the States to visit and photograph the Southern California BMX scene and brought along JC Pieri.  A filmer with mad skill and creativity.  I was fortunate enough to get to know both of these frenchies really well as they stayed at my house for two weeks.  Christian plans on publishing and printing  the magazine to the states along with France, and this content that JC and Christian got should show up in some of the first American issues.  Click the link and watch this video by JC, its dope as hell!